Thursday, October 28, 2010

Aslan is on the move

Thursday nights are such a blessing! I meet with some people from church, and we eat and chat and pray and worship and encourage each other. It's AWESOME!!! I'm really loving these people, and they love me. I'm so thankful.

I just wanted to share a huge blessing I got tonight. My Indian friend, Amukta, asked for prayer for me, for my next step, and they all prayed over me (they're pentecostal, so they just break out and pray all at once. In English this time, pretty swell!). After they had finished, a pastor there said he heard in his spirit God saying YES to me. YES YES YES YES!!! And he kept saying it, and we were all laughing and saying YES and rejoicing and I was so glad and crying and laughing. God is so good. He's on the move. There are changes coming, I feel it. I've prayed for it. He is faithful. I am thankful.

The amazing God thing is that on the way to small group, I was asking Jesus how to dream with Him. It actually head-&-heart-hit-me that that would require more prayer, more asking, more listening, more opening. A real alive eternal amazing relationship. And I asked how to dream. And I discovered a hurt there, and the hurt was that I doubted that He wanted to hear what I want. But He does. He revealed it in order to heal it, saying, "Yes, Beloved, I want to hear the desires of your heart. Share with Me." And so I began telling Him, in small bits, because it was pretty intense and a pretty big move for little bitty me.

So we talked about dreaming on the car ride there. I drew close.

Then He tells me yes to whatever. YES! What an amazing God we have! Hurrah for dream time! Further up & further in!

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