Thursday, February 7, 2008

Chlorine free at last!

Kudos to New Wave Enviro for making their shower filter!

I did it. I am a hippie. Not only do I own a fancy schmancy water filter that sits beside my sink, I just bought a filter for my shower head. Yes, I know, the shower. But honestly, I think it was worth it. The water actually felt softer! Tangibly softer. I could really tell a difference. And the toxic fumes of chlorine were absent from my bathroom, as were the effects on my skin, which felt softer afterwards and not nearly as dry. My hair? I think it looked better, too, although I'll be looking for more long-term effects there.

Goodbye rubber ducky: New Wave Enviro rocks my showertime.

1 comment:

Eva! said...

Oh, hippie showerhead. I WAS noticing the luster and sheen of your hair!!

Earth--it does a body good :)