Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Living in community I: Realization

A lot of people who follow Jesus like to talk about community and living in community. It seems pretty important to us, and Jesus certainly surrounded himself with people: his disciples, other friends, the masses. Sure He was alone at times - everyone needs to be alone, I think - but He invested himself in other people. He risked living in community with other people; He was honest and transparent, and ultimately that cost Him his life.

I am a part of a great community called Crossings. We meet on Sunday mornings all together, and then during the week there are smaller groups of people who get together for Bible study and sharing and maybe munching or drinking. It's a pretty amazing and dedicated bunch of people as far as most churches are concerned, and as far as church goes, I'm satisfied with it, although I want to contribute more artistically. But it's not yet what I think Jesus would have the church look like. Not completely. There's more, and I want it!

I want to dig deep in this life- plumb the depths of my own depravity and rejoice in the wideness of God's love. I want to really live in community. What I mean is, I want to live in close quarters with other people. My neighbors are great, and I love my house, but I really don't think all these separate, discrete houses side by side are what Jesus had in mind. It's such a picture of the society that sees the individual as the basic unit. Of course, that's how I see it, too, but I think I'm wrong. I don't think that's the way it should be. I don't think it's been restored or perfected (perfect as in made whole or complete). I doubt I'll ever be fulfilled living like this.

I very recently realized that I don't like my living arrangements. I live alone in an awesome house. It's a really great house- an 80-year old Craftsman with hardwood floors, new appliances, and the best porch ever- but I live alone, and I just really feel like I'm not meant to live alone. I ache to have other people around me; I ache to be known. Sure, I'd like to be in a relationship one day where we are married and share life at a very intimate level, but that's not all I'm getting at here. The Africans say that it takes a whole village to raise a child; I agree wholeheartedly. In that proverb, the emphasis is on the child- it's easy to see how children need a lot of care, especially if you've cared for them. But I would say that the village needs the children, too, that the village needs the parents of that child to depend on them for a night off once in a while so the village can continue to practice the refining art of giving. I would argue that the villagers need the chaos of children to remind them that they're only one tiny part of this world, and that no plan is ever 100% certain. I'd say the village needs the laughter of children.... bubbles, too. You can never have enough bubbles.

For now, I'm looking for a roommate. I have an incredibly cute little sunroom with lots of windows and light and even a closet. It faces west. Cleaning it out and getting rid of stuff has moved up higher on my priority list.

For the future, I'm not sure how long I'll be in my house. Perhaps I'll rent it. Perhaps I'll donate it. Maybe I'll even sell it. But I do know that I do not want to live a mainstream American life. That may translate into life in an intentional community (no, no - not a commune, folks). It may mean moving to another country where their norm is the polar opposite of ours. I really don't know. All I know is that movement is necessary, and change is certain. And I want the abundant, full, sometimes chaotic, frustrating, and deeply rewarding life of a physically and spiritually close-knit community.


Button said...

Incentive for Breanna to move to Knoxville, maybe...? Too bad nothing will change like that for me until December at the earliest.

But I've always loved your house and your sunroom (and you).

heathercahill said...

I want to live life with you at some point. Somewhere. I don't know when or where, but I think its gonna happen.