Saturday, August 16, 2008

Happy-go-lucky local

I did it - I went local! That is to say, I gave up my car for dead, and the wake so far has been an absolute blast of a party!

I got an oil change 2 weeks ago before leaving Asheville. Normally I would have waited til I got back to Knoxville, but the Volvo started to leak green juices. The bad news was that the radiator was busted. The other bad news was that since it had already been repaired once, I would need a new radiator (read: costs lots of money). And the cherry on top bad news is that since it takes a mechanic 30 minutes to pry open the hood of my Volvo, I wouldn't be able to top off the antifreeze whenever I needed to.

So I took my car's state of the union address along with my new pledge of not using my credit card unless I absolutely must, and I made friends with them on the drive back to Knoxville. The thing is, I've been wanting to localize my life, but I didn't know exactly how to do it since I didn't have a great reason. So I thought about it, prayed about it, and waited. Honestly, I'm probably too lazy and comfortable just to ditch my car of my own accord, but these circumstances proved to be just what I needed to finally give up the ghost.


I really like it! Since my work is mostly confined to downtown, campus, and south Knoxville, it's pretty easy for me to get around. For out of town gigs like this weekend in Asheville, I can rideshare or take Greyhound, and my roommate can pick me up!

I haven't been using my air conditioner for a while now, so I'm already used to the heat that I encounter when I bicycle on the swelteringly humid days we've been having. So there's extra exercise in it for me! Soooo nice. Showers are now a whole new level of refreshment.

I also discovered KAT's Shop & Ride program - when you buy groceries from Three Rivers Market, Kroger, or Food City (and maybe even more places), you can get a free one-way bus pass - all you have to do is ask the cashier who rings you up. So I've been collecting them. Some friends of mine are even sponsoring me by giving me their bus passes (you can, too!), and so far I haven't had to pay for a bus ride yet!

"How can you stand to take the bus?" you ask. Well, I dig the bus. I get time all to myself & a good book- or a work strategy, or talking to a friend I haven't seen in a while- and I don't have to deal with traffic or drive. And there are interesting characters on the bus. Very interesting indeed.

So really, I feel completely blessed. I am pleased with this new arrangement. Sure it has its drawbacks. Knoxville's not the best city to bike in, but I doubt it's the worst either. Mine is a mountain bike, so the tires probably slow me down a little. The helmet gets really hot. Last week when I cycled past the sketchy gas station on the corner, someone threw a rock at me (it didn't meet its target). I can't just hop into my car and go wherever I want whenever I want. Everyday life takes a little more planning than it used to.

But overall, I'm really happy about it. It makes me feel a little more connected to my community. I ride by the same places a lot, and I'm beginning to notice changes as well as consistencies. I feel a bit more like I'm a part of the fabric that makes up this scruffy little city called Knoxville, and I realize that I'm also one of the interesting characters that people muse at.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! And something of a coincidence-- I decided a couple weeks ago to challenge myself not to use my car for a day... it's now 18 days (and 200 miles of biking) later and I haven't used my car since-- of which I'm quite proud, and I'm determined to make it seem like something a reasonable, normal person can do to improve their life.

I'm happy to hear you're having a good experience!

Amy Sun said...

Rock on Miss Megan! Sounds like a fabulous experience! I do love how different a city feels when you're biking through it instead of driving. A fresh new perspective on Knoxville! Our scruffy little city. ;-)

Also, I'm highly jealous that you stole my roommate. Take care of her, because if I ever come back from Europe, I'm taking her back! ;-)

Though I wouldn't mind sharing. :-D

Button said...
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Button said...

Who the hell throws a rock at a person--a gorgeous lady, nonetheless--on a bike? Seriously.

Bela Naomi said...

I am incredibly jealous of you. I A) don't own a bike, and B) don't live near nearly anything walk/bikable. work is 14 miles from my house, not on a bus route, and dancing is all over, none of which are on easy bus routes. Going for runs seems much sillier when you aren't running anywhere except back to where you started.

My solution is to carpool as much as possible. It definitely makes it more fun and of course cheaper. Unfortunately though, you lose the autonomy of having the capability of running an errand before or after anything unless you drag your buddy around.

I took Marta (our subway) to the braves game yesterday, and couldn't help but be proud that I probably saved money in gas, but also in parking and game traffic aggravation. woohoo!

Jones Alexander said...

Go Xena! Go Xena!