Friday, June 13, 2008


I popped into Smoothie King the other night after dance to get something cold to drink. I was waiting in line behind a slew of girls who looked to be high school athletes. It takes me forever to figure out what drink I want and how I'm going to modify it because I can't not modify it, and then I decided and ordered it and was waiting some more because there were jillions of sweaty young athletic girls drinking loads of smoothies.

So I stood at the front waiting to pay, waiting for the one employee to make my smoothie... and he looked familiar. Then he asked me if I was a dancer. Of course I said yes, assuming I'd taught a lesson that he attended. It turns out that wasn't the case because the next words out of his mouth were, "You just look like a dancer from the way you hold yourself, so I thought I'd ask."

He went on to explain that he was a musician, and from his body language it seemed like he was saying something like, "My performance posture recognizes your performance posture. Hi." And then I remembered that he plays clarinet, and our stints at UT's School of Music briefly overlapped. So my reaction was something like...



Wow. Hell yeah, I'm a dancer, and you can tell just by looking at me. I'm gonna take my bad a$$ right out the door and my danceriffic self is gonna enjoy a smoothie."


Button said...

That's true, you do have a danceriffic booty :)

yoshimi said...

heheh. you go.